Brad Fults on Microsoft's Non-Response About XAML Licensing and Portability
Gerald Bauer
2005-05-26 21:08:29 UTC

Brad Fults comments:

To be sure we understand the dialog that has been going back and forth, Gervase nailed
down three points on which XUL is seemingly better than XAML either through
interpretation from Rob Relyea's XTech presentation or lack of explanation from Relyea
and Microsoft.

Rob Relyea said he "replied" with his blog post, but if you read his post and the comments,
it's plain to see that he simply confirmed two of Gervase's points (portability, licensing)
and provided absolutely no further illumination about the remaining point (localization).

In my humble opinion, this kind of dodging stinks of dubious salesmanship and should be
left to Microsoft's PR department; not to its developers when speaking with the world
developer community. Instead of addressing or refuting any of Gervase's points, Rob
simply said "Hey, Avalon will be awesome for Windows!", something that can be expected
from a shady vacuum cleaner salesman.

In general, if you don't have a rebuttal to an argument against your product, keep quiet.
No developer wants to hear more of Microsoft's sensational marketing blabber.

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