MSXAML (WinFX Markup Language) Is Changing Microsoftie Chris Sells
Gerald Bauer
2005-04-04 18:54:43 UTC

Michael Butler comments on the Chris Sells blog story about how the "new" declarative
programming model upcoming in the next version of Windows is changing Chris' thinking
about code.

Michael writes:

Saw a link on Scoble about Chris Sells having his thinking changed by Avalon.  I can't help
wonder whether it is more declarative programming that is changing his thinking rather
than just Avalon. Whilst Avalon may be Microsoft's platform for declarative programming,
my thinking on software development has certainly been changed by MyXaml. Whilst
Avalon XAML has better data binding support than what we currently enjoy in .NET 1.1
(especially the binding of one controls properties to another controls properties), I still
think declarative programming offers developers a better way of programming even on
plain Windows and .NET. Having the UI declared in XML forces the seperation of UI from
the rest of the programming logic, which can only be a good thing as most of the time it is
the UI which changes the most during a product development lifecycle. (Who remembers
the days when we used to have a Visual Freeze on the development milestone plan!)

I'm very interested to see how Avalon XAML progresses beyond just being used for
defining user interface components. Lets see what it can do for the Data Access Layer and
for seperating out business logic too (see the MyXaml workflow classes for a good starting
point and also my own experiments detailed on this blog for ideas  )

But it is good to see respected members of the development community like Chris Sells
understanding how powerful the concept of declarative programming can be.

Source: http://blogs.wdevs.com/mpbutler/archive/2005/04/02/2941.aspx

What's your take? Is MSXAML or MyXAML changing the way you think about code?

- Gerald

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